Complete the form below to join L’Arche Farm & Gardens’ Flower CSA. "*" indicates required fields Member InformationPrimary Member Name*This name will be used on our Flower CSA member sign in form at each CSA pick-up. First Last Secondary Member NameIf more than one person per household would like to receive information about the farm, schedule changes, Fresh from the Farm, etc, add their name here. First Last Primary Member Email*Email is our primary way of communicating. One valid email address is required. Secondary Member Email Phone*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code How did you hear about us? Word of Mouth Facebook Instagram Latest In L’Arche/Fresh from the Farm Return CSA Member Other Please describe:Membership AgreementsI understand and agree that a share entitles me to the bounty of the harvest. I also understand and agree to share in the risk of farming. I know that on occasion a crop may fail due to conditions that are beyond the control of the L'Arche farmers.* Yes, I agree. I understand that if I cannot make my scheduled CSA pick up, I can request a pick up day change. I understand that I need to make the request 24 hours in advance of the day I'd like to pick up OR 24 hours before my assigned pick up day (whichever comes first). I understand that if I do not make the request with this advanced notice, my farmers will be unable to accommodate a CSA pick up day change.* Yes, I understand. Share InformationPickup Time* WED 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm (at Farm) FRI 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm (at Farm) Payment InformationPayment Method* Pay in full by credit card now Pay in full by check I understand that my CSA Membership will not be active until I submit payment and have received confirmation from L'Arche Farm and Gardens. I also know that I need to send payment within 2 weeks of completing this form if I am paying by check.* Yes, I understand Mail check to L’Arche Tahoma Hope, 12302 Vickery Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98446.10 Week Flower CSA* Price: Coupon Total Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name This field is hidden when viewing the formPayment Status Fully Paid Active Subscription Not Paid